DKM College for Women (Autonomous)

D.K.M College For Women (AUTONOMOUS)

Affiliated To Thiruvalluvar University

CGPA of 3.22 out of 4 in the 4th Cycle

D.K.M College For Women

Affiliated To Thiruvalluvar University

D.K.M College For Women

Affiliated To Thiruvalluvar University

The institutional Strategic/ Perspective plan has been clearly articulated and implemented

DKM College for Women has been experiencing significant growth in recent years. “DKMC
VISION 2023,” formulated after a careful consideration of the institution’s overall expansion and
diversification in all areas. The effective implementation of “DKMC VISION 2022” can be
observed at various levels, demonstrating the realization of the college’s mission and vision.

The governance of the institution is reflective of an effective leadership in tune with and mission of the Institution

DKM College for Women strictly adheres to the vision and mission of our college. We
not only strive to provide a good education but also aim for the overall development of our
students. We achieve this by offering various skill development programs that are essential for
entering in to job markets.

The leadership at the helm, in the form of the Governing Body, works closely with the
college Principal to ensure that the institution’s policies and practices align with its defined vision “To create and promote holistic and integrated development in rural areas, while imparting quality higher education” and mission of the college “To enable students to achieve academic excellence through effective teaching, thorough learning and systematic evaluation ”and “To empower the students through various programmes and practices, enabling them to emerge as economically independent, personally upright, morally sound, culturally refined, spiritually aware, socially responsible and nationally conscious”.

To achieve the institution’s vision and mission, all the Departments, various committees and clubs have been formed to perform important academic and administrative activities in the college