Activities of Department of Chemistry (June 2019 to October 2019)


69 students of III-B.Sc., and I, Chemistry along with 7 teaching and 1 non- teaching visited Aavin, Sathuvachari, Vellore on 18th July 2019 at 11.00a.m. This industrial visit provided them, an opportunity to witness the entire milk processing methods. Starting from the stage of fresh milk brought from various villages near by Vellore. Miss.S.Gayathri B.Tech., an employee of Aavin took the students around the plants and explained the various processes such as sterilization, pasteurization and homogenisation. She showed the plants which preserves milk at high temperature as well as -30°C. Students were very much excited in seeing the packing of different types of milk such as tonned milk, double tonned milk and fully creamed milk. She also guided the students by showing the plants which converts milk into various products such as curd, gova, butter, ghee and ice-cream. Students interacted with the employees of Aavin by raising many questions which was highly help full for their day to day life.

The processed milk is packaged and exported for domestic consumer usage. As budding Mechanical Engineers, they keenly observed the storing and packaging sector of the milk factory where unique machinery and mechanisms are used in an automated manner and also the solar energy generating power plants over the parking sheds which are utilized for generating steam, for factory usage. This enabled the students to have a better understanding on the utilization of renewable energy resources in factories and also develop their knowledge over the basic working of factory production machinery.


                  Department of Chemistry had conducted a special guest lecture on 23rd July, 2019.    Dr. D. Adikesavalu, Former Head and Associate Professor of Chemistry, Muthurangam Government Arts College, Vellore was the resource person for the event.  205 students and research scholars belonging to the department of Chemistry from UG, PG and M.Phil were participates in this special lecture.8 staffs of this department also participated. The inauguration of this lecture program started with prayer song. Dr. S. Santhalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person.                        

                  Dr. D. Adikesavalu, delivered the special lecture on the topic “Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds”. He started the lecture by explaining the fundamental concepts of stereochemistry and continued his lecturer in depth. He used many ball and stick models for explaining the same. He also explained the significance of seterochemistry in drug designing and also the future scope of this field.  There was very good interaction between the students and resource person. The students were asked to assembly the models for various molecules. He answered all the questions raised by the students which lasted for 30minutes.

                  Students gave very good feedback about the programme. In the feedback one of the student requested the department to conduct more number of such useful programmes in future. Dr.S.Sashikala gave the vote of thanks and the programme came to an end with the national anthem.    


            Workshop cum hands on training was conducted by the department of Chemistry on 4th October 2019 Dr.M.Nagarathinam, head of the department of Chemistry inaugurated the programme and gave a brief introduction about the workshop. She explained about the causes and the types of food adulteration. She also talked about the health hazards of food adulteration in detail.

            Dr.S.Santha Lakshmi and Dr.S.Sashikala demonstrated various methods of detecting adulterants in food. 52 students of III-B.Sc., Chemistry participated in the program. Hands-on training was given to the students for detecting the adulterants present in various food samples. The observations were recorded and submitted by the students.


                  Intercollegiate III-Year UG paper presentation was held on 10th October 2019 at Kaveri hall D. K. M. College for Women, Vellore. Students from 13 member colleges namely AAA College, Cheyyar, AAA College, Walajah, GTM College, Gudiyatham, MGA College, Vellore, RTG College, Polur, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, ASMW College, Arcot, Auxilium College, Vellore, Voorhees College, Vellore, Sacred Hearts College, Thirupathur, CAH College, Melvisharam, Shanmuga Arts and Science College, T.V. Malai and D.K.M. College for Women, Vellore of RUSAC took part in this event. 64 students and 6 staff members participated actively.

                  The programme started with the prayer. Dr. M. Nagarathinam, Head of the department of Chemistry, D.K.M.College welcome the gathering. Students presented papers in various topics pertaining to the curriculum. It was judged by two staff members namely                         R. Subasri, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Shanmuga Arts and Science College, T.V. Malai and K. Sharmila, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, GTM College, Gudiyatham. The results will based on the presentation, slides and questionary session. Each student presented a paper for 8 mins followed by 2 mins for questions. The prize winners are given below.

Name College Topic Prize
T. Sindhu D.K.M.College for women, Vellore Conformational Analysis I
G. Prem Kumar MGA College, Vellore Nuclear Reactor II
P. Valarmathi GTM Collge, Gudiyatham Aldol Condenssation III

The certificates were distributed to the participants and the prizes to the winners by V. Vijayakumar, Secretary, RUSAC and Dr. M. Nagarathinam, Head of the department of Chemistry, D.K.M.College, Vellore. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. T. Gomathi, Executive member of RUSAC, D.K.M.College, Vellore. The programme came to an end with national anthem.

The participants were taken to the DST FIST lab of D.K.M.College, Vellore. They were shown the various instruments such as FTIR, Uv vis Spectrophotometer, AAS, Auto analyser and Lyophiliser present in the lab. Students were delighted to see the instruments and interacted with the staff members.