D.K.M College For Women


Vellore - 1

Affiliated To Thiruvalluvar University

Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade with a CGPA of 3.22 out of 4 in the 4th Cycle

Admission Help Line Numbers

Aided - 0416-2903691 / 7010308218
Unaided - 94433 41270 / 9489537911



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What is ICT?

Information and Communication Technologies are defined as all devices, tools, content, resources, forums, and services, digital and those that can be converted into or delivered through digital forms, which can be deployed for realising the goals of teaching learning, enhancing access to and reach of resources, building of capacities, as well as management of the educational system.

These will not only include hardware devices connected to computers, and software applications, but also interactive digital content, internet and other satellite communication devices, radio and television services, web based content repositories, interactive forums, learning management systems, and management information systems.

These will also include processes for digitisation, deployment and management of content, development and deployment of platforms and processes for capacity development, and creation of forums for interaction and exchange.

ICT Code of Conduct – (Staff members)

This policy consolidates the various responsibilities of Staff under Data Protection Legislation, Data Protection Policy and email policies as set out in the college. This document sets out policies for communication with students and parents via electronic means including the College SharePoint, social networking sites and text messaging. The policy has been designed to protect the Staff members from allegations of impropriety and it is therefore very important that these provisions are adhered to.

Staff members must not communicate, as part of their professional duties, with students or parents via social networking sites such as Facebook, etc.

  1. Staff members must not disclose any personal data that they may have access to or be in possession of, as part of their professional duties, to any 3rd parties without express permission from the Principal.
  2. Staff members must not disclose their username or passwords to any 3rd party.
  3. Staff members should not supply to any 3rd party, the email addresses of any students without the express consent of the Principal and the students’ parents unless their email address is used as a login for content providers.
  4. Staff members must take appropriate precautions to safeguard data stored on laptops, pen drives or any other electronic media from unauthorised access.
  5. E-mail facilities are provided to enable Staff members to more easily undertake their professional duties. Staff members are also reminded that email correspondence is subject to content filtering and therefore the content of their e-mails and discussion board postings should be courteous and polite at all times.
  6. Staff members are encouraged to read their e-mail on a regular basis – at least once a day. If you are unable to provide an answer to a question via e-mail then reply indicating when you will be in a position to do so. Because of the immediacy of this form of communication Staff members are reminded to avoid sending haphazard mails. A reply must be appropriately phrased and polite.
  7. Staff members are advised to keep records of important e-mails in the “Sent” folder for later reference. However since e-mail boxes are limited in size, e-mails that are no longer required should be deleted.
  8. Staff members are reminded that they are personally responsible for the content of their own devices that they may use on the College’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) network.
  9. Photographs or footage that include students should not be used outside College without the express permission of the parents and the Principal.

ICT Code of Conduct (Students)

  • I will only use the computers with my own name and password. I will keep my password secret.
  • I will only use the College network for purposes allowed by the College.
  • I will only use my personal devices to support my learning and not for other uses during class hours.
  • I will make sure that my personal devices are protected from unauthorised access and try to protect myself from hacking and computer viruses.
  • I will only send and read email messages and attachments to people I know or my teachers or parents have approved or as part of my studies.
  • I will make sure my emails messages and postings to social networks are polite and responsible.
  • I will not give anyone personal information, photographs or video footage over the internet or phone unless as part of lessons.
  • I will tell a member of Staff, if anyone sends me unpleasant or offensive messages or pictures over the Internet.
  • I understand that the College may check my files and may check up on the Internet sites I visit.
  • I will not copy other’s work from the Internet and pretend that it is my own.
  • I will not use DVDs, pen drives and/or SD cards to add or remove programs from machines.
  • I will not take photographs or video footage of other students or members of Staff members without permission and any photographs or video footage I do take must only be used in College and not given to anyone else.
  • If given permission, I will use the social media sites in accordance with the Social Media Code of Conduct.

The College Email Policy (Staff)

E-Mail facilities are provided to all faculty members to enable them to easily undertake their professional duties. Email addresses are of the form teachername@dkmcollege.ac.in. On joining the College each member of Staff is provided with a document which gives the username and password and basic instruction on how e-mail is accessed.

  • E-mail facilities are provided to enable Staff members to easily undertake their professional duties.
  • E-Mail messages are parsed for offensive language by the Mail Servers and such messages are quarantined.
  • Staff members are reminded that the content of their e-mails should be courteous and polite at all times.
  • Staff members can correspond with parents via e-mails on a day to day basis on less formal matters. For more formal communication with parents a phone call, letter or meeting will be more appropriate.
  • You should not disclose your e-mail password to any third party.
  • Your e-mail address may be published in College documents and the web site.
  • Staff members should not give students their private e-mail addresses but use the College one instead.
  • Staff members are reminded that they are not to supply the e-mail address of any students without the express consent of the Principal and the students’ parents.