Dr. P.N. Sudha, M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D. Principal.
ControllerDr. R . Banumathy., Associate Professor & Head, Department of Economics
Additional ControllerDr. A . Sudarvizhi, M.Com.,Phil.,BATPC.,M.B.A., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Commerce
Examination Committee1. Dr. M. Nagarathinam., Associate Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry 2. Mrs. Lt.Dr. A.Amirthavalli., Associate Professor & Head, Department of History 3. Dr. L. Umamaheswari., Asst. Professor & Head, Department of Botany
The Passing minimum for UG courses is 40 and PG courses is 50.
Distribution of MarksFor Comprehensive Examination, the weightage of marks is |
75 |
For Continuous Assessment, the weightage of marks is |
25 |
Total |
100 |
Assessment tests |
20 |
Assignment |
2 |
Seminar |
2 |
Field report |
1 |
Total |
25 |
Internal | 40 |
External | 60 |
Total | 100 |
Assessment practical | 30 |
Observation note | 10 |
Total | 40 |
For UG courses
Part: A | 10x2=20 Marks | (No choice) |
B | 5x5=25 Marks | (Either or pattern) |
C | 3x10=30 Marks | (Three out of Five) |
Section-A | 5x6=30 Marks | (Either or pattern) |
Section-B | 3x5=15 Marks | (Three out of five) |
Total | 75 Marks |
Thiruvalluvar University guidelines and regulations are adapted for disciplinary procedures against malpractices in examinations.
Duration of the Course
The course shall extend over a period of three years comprising of six semesters with two semesters in one academic year. There shall not be less than 90 working days for each semester. Examination shall be conducted at the end of every semester for the respective subjects. Each semester has 90 working days consisting of 5 teaching hours per working day. Thus, each semester has 450 teaching hours and the whole programme has 2700 teaching hours.Course of Study
The course of study for the UG degree courses of all branches shall consist of the following: PART-I: Tamil or any one of the following modern/classical languages i.e. Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Sanskrit, French, German, Arabic & Urdu.The subject shall be offered during the first four semesters with one examination at the end of each semester (4 courses : 4x4=16 credits). For para-professional branches (B.Com., B.B.A., etc.,) it shall be offered in the first two semesters with one examination at the end of each semester (2 courses : 2x4=8 credits).
English The subject shall be offered during the first four semesters with one examination at the end of each semester (4 courses: 4x4= 16 credits). For para-professional programmes, (B.Com., B.B.A., etc.,) there shall be only two papers for the first two semesters with one examination at the end of each semester (2 courses : 2x4=8 credits). PART-III Core subjectCore papers including practicals wherever applicable are offered as prescribed in the scheme of examination, by the Boards of studies of different subjects. There shall be 14 / 15 /16 Core papers including practicals with 57 credits for all UG Courses, except for para-professional courses like B.Com or B.B.A.,. However for B.Com or B.B.A., courses, there shall be 19 Core papers with 73 credits.
Theory Examinations shall be conducted in the core subjects at the end of every semester. However, there shall be practical examinations in the core subjects at the end of even semesters in general, with exceptions in a few courses as prescribed by the Boards of studies, concerned.
Core subject
Allied papers including practicals wherever applicable are offered as prescribed in the scheme of Examination by the Boards of studies of different subjects. There shall be 4 papers, one each in I, II, III and IV semester, for all UG Courses except for Science courses with practicals. However for all UG Science Courses, there shall be 6 papers including 2 practicals or 5 papers including 1 practical or 4 papers without practicals.
For all UG courses with / without practicals, for Odd semesters (1st & 3rd) there shall be 2 theory papers for a total of (2x4) = 8 credits only.
For all UG courses without practicals, for Even semesters (2nd & 4th) there shall be 2 theory papers for a total of (2x6) = 12 credits only.
For UG Science courses with 2 Allied practicals, for Even semesters (2nd & 4th) there shall be 4 papers including 2 practicals, for a total of [(2x4=8) +(2x2=4) = (8+4)]=12 credits only.
For all the 4 semesters, the total number of credits for Allied courses shall be 20 only.
Electives Courses
Three elective courses with (3x3=) 9 credits are to be offered one in the V Semester and two in the VI Semester. Elective subjects are to be selected from the list of electives prescribed by the Board of Studies concerned
PART-IV Tamil@ / Advanced Tamil # (OR) Non-major elective-
- Those who have not studied Tamil upto XII std and taken a non-Tamil language under Part-I shall take Tamil comprising of two courses with 2 credits each (2x2=4 credits). The course content of which shall be equivalent to that prescribed for the 6th standard by the Board of Secondary Education and they shall be offered in the third and fourth semesters.(OR)
- Those who have studied Tamil upto XII std and taken a non-Tamil language under Part-I shall take Advanced Tamil comprising of two courses with 2 credits each (2x2=4 credits) in the third and fourth semesters.(OR)
- Others who do not come under the above a&b categories can choose the offered non-major electives comprising of two courses with (2x2=) 4 credits, in the third and fourth semesters.
Skill Based Subjects: All the UG programmes shall offer four courses of skill based subjects one each in III, IV, V & VI semester with 3 credits each (4x3= 12 credits) for which examination shall be conducted at the end of the respective semesters.
Foundation Courses:
There are 3 Foundation Courses offered.
- Environmental Studies - offered in 1st Semester, under Part IV of the programme.
- Value Education - offered in 2nd Semester under Part IV of the programme.
- Soft Skill - offered in 2nd Semester under Part IV of the programme
Environmental Studies:
All the UG programmes shall offer a course in Environmental Studies subjects and it shall be offered in the first semester as one paper with 2 credits. Examination shall be conducted at the end of the 1st semester.
Value Education:
All the UG programmes shall offer a course in “Value Education subject and it shall be offered in the second semester as one paper with 2 credits. Examination shall be conducted at the end of the 2nd semester.
Soft Skill:
All the UG programmes shall offer a course in “Soft Skill” subject and it shall be offered in the Second Semester by the Department of English, as one paper with 1 credit. Examination shall be conducted at the end of the 2nd semester.
Extension Activities
Every student shall participate compulsorily for a period of not less than two years (4 semesters) in any one of the following programmes.
NSS / NCC / Sports / YRC / RRC / LEO / Other Extra curricular activities.
A candidate shall be awarded a maximum of 1 credit for compulsory extension activity. The student’s performance shall be examined by the staff in-charge of extension activities along with the Head of the respective department and a class tutor in-charge, of the Department on the following parameters.
The marks shall be sent to the Controller of Examinations before the commencement of the final semester examinations.
- 20% of marks for Regularity of attendance.
- 60% of marks for Active Participation in classes/camps/games/special Camps/programmes in the college/ District/ State/ University activities.
- 10% of marks for Exemplary awards/Certificates/Prizes.
- 10% of marks for Other Social components such as Blood Donations, Fine Arts, etc.
The above activities shall be conducted outside the regular working hours of the college. The mark sheet shall carry the gradation relevant to the marks awarded to the candidates.
This grading shall be incorporated in the mark sheet to be issued at the end of final semester.
Requirement to appear for the examinations
a) A candidate shall be permitted to appear for the examinations for any semester (theory as well as practical) if
she secures not less than 75% of attendance in theory as well as in practicals (separate attendance registers shall be maintained for theory and practicals) in the number of working days during the semester.
In the case of married woman candidates the minimum attendance requirement shall be not less than 55% of the total instructional days in theory as well as in practicals.
b) A candidate who has secured less than 75% but 65% and above attendance in any semester separately for theory and practicals, shall be permitted to take the examination on the recommendations of the Head of the Institution to condone the lack of attendance on the payment of prescribed fees to the University, separately for theory and practicals.
c) A candidate who has secured less than 65% but 55% and above attendance in any semester in theory as well as in practicals, has to compensate the shortage in attendance in the subsequent semester (in the next year) besides earning the required percentage of attendance in that semester and appear for both semester papers together at the end of the later semester, on the payment of prescribed fees to the University, separately for theory and practicals. However, shortage of attendance in I-semester shall be compensated while studying in III semester, shortage of attendance in II-semester shall be compensated while studying in IV semester, shortage of attendance in III-semester shall be compensated while studying in V semester, shortage of attendance in IV-semester shall be compensated while studying in VI semester, shortage of attendance in V & VI-semesters shall be compensated after rejoining the course in the 4th year. Also, separate attendance registers shall be maintained in theory as well as practicals, for compensating the shortage of attendance. During the hours of compensation of attendance, the candidate shall not be given attendance for the regular semester classes.
d) A candidate who has secured less than 55% of attendance in any semester separately for theory and practicals, shall not be permitted to appear for the regular examinations in that particular semester or in subsequent semesters. She has to rejoin/re-do the semester in which the attendance is less than 55%, on the payment of prescribed fees, separately for theory and practicals, after getting prior approval of the University.
e) A candidate who has secured less than 65% of attendance in the final semester separately for theory and practicals has to compensate her attendance shortage in a manner as decided by the concerned Head of the department, after getting prior approval of the University. The candidate shall be permitted to rejoin in the 6th semester, after completing her regular 3 year course.
Passing Minimum
a) A candidate shall be declared to have passed the whole examination, if the candidate passes in all the theory papers and practicals wherever prescribed as per the scheme of examinations by earning 140 credits in Part I, II, III, IV and V. She shall also fulfill the extension activity prescribed by earning 1 credit to qualify for the degree.
b) A candidate should get not less than 40% in the semester Examination, compulsorily, in any course of Part I, II, III & IV papers. Also the candidate who secures not less than 40% marks in the external as well as internal (CIA) examinations put together in any course of Part I, II, III & IV shall be declared to have successfully passed the examination in the subject in theory as well as Practicals. There shall be no passing minimum for the CIA, (zero to 25 for theory and zero to 40 for practicals). The candidate who absents herself for CIA programmes, after a repeated chance, will be awarded zero mark in the concerned subject.
Constitution: Principal - Chairman of this Board, University Representative, COE, Additional C.O.E and All subject board chairmen.
Function: To discuss about the results, need for any moderationdue to questions from out of syllabus, any difficulties faced in valuing the answer sheet in specific subject and to declare results
Criteria adopted for moderation
According to the Board Resolutions (Evaluation Board)
Example: The Board recommends that moderation can be given to those candidates who have secured 25 marks and above but less than 30 marks, for both Foundation English and B.A. English Literature, so that they get minimum pass mark of 30.
Provision for improvement
Improvement is allowed for candidates who have passed their respective paper in first attempt itself in the preceding semester.
From the year 2008-09 onwards CBCS pattern is introduced. Details of the credits are given below: For UG Courses the total credits allotted are 140 for B.A and B.Sc [table] [tr][td]PART I- Language[/th] [th]12[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PART II- English[/td] [td]11[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PART III- 4(Major, Allied and Elective Paper)[/td] [td]95[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PART IV- Non-major, Skill Based, Soft Skill [/td] [td]21[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PART V- Extension Activities [/td] [td]1[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]140[/td][/tr] [/table] For UG Courses the total credits allotted are 140 for B Com, BBA and BCA [table] [tr][td]PART I- Language[/th] [th]6[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PART II- English[/td] [td]5[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PART III- 4(Major, Allied and Elective Paper)[/td] [td]107[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PART IV- Non-major, Skill Based, Soft Skill [/td] [td]21[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PART V- Extension Activities[/td] [td]1[/td][/tr] [tr][td][/td] [td]140[/td][/tr] [/table]Grading:
Once the marks of the CIA and end-semester examinations for each of the course are available, they shall be added. The mark thus obtained shall then be converted to the relevant letter grade, grade point as per the details given below:
Conversion of Marks to Grade Points and Letter Grade (Performance in a Course/Paper)
90-100 | 9.0-10.0 | O | Outstanding | |
80-89 | 8.0-8.9 | D+ | Excellent | |
75-79 | 7.5-79 | D | Distinction | |
70-74 | 7.0-7.4 | A+ | Very Good | |
60-69 | 6.0-6.9 | A | Good | |
50-59 | 5.0-5.9 | B | Average | |
40-49 | 4.0-4.9 | C | U# | Satisfactory |
00-39 | 0.0 | U | Re-appear | |
Absent | 0.0 | AAA | ABSENT |
Ci=Credits earned for subject i in any semester
Gi=Grade point obtained for subject i in any semester
n=refers to the semester in which such subject were credited
Grade point average (for a Semester):
Calculation of grade point average semester-wise and part-wise is as follows:
Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the subjects
GPA = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sum of the credits of the subjects (passed) in a semester
Calculation of Grade Point Average (CGPA) (for the entire programme): A candidate who has passed all the examinations under different parts (Part-I to V) is eligible for the following partwise computed final grades based on the range of CGPA. CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE [CGPA] = ΣnΣi Cni Gni / Σn Σi Cni Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the entire programme CGPA = ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sum of the credits of the subjects (passed) of the entire programme under each partCGPA | GRADE |
9.5 - 10.0 | O+ |
9.0-9.49 | O |
8.5- 8.99 | D++ |
8.0- 8.49 | D+ |
7.5-7.99 | D |
7.0-7.49 | A++ |
6.5-6.99 | A+ |
6.0-6.49 | A |
5.5-5.99 | B+ |
5.0-5.49 | B |
4.5-4.99 | C+ |
4.0-4.49 | C |
UG | PG | |
I | Language –I (Tamil/Hindi/Urdu) | -- |
II | Language –II English | -- |
III | Core ,Allied and Elective | Core, Elective Non Major Elective & Human rights -- |
IV | Non Major Elective, Skill based subjects, Environmental studies, Value Education & Soft Skill Subjects | |
V | Extension Activities | -- |
9.5 - 10.0 | O+ | First Class-Exemplary |
9.0-9.49 | O | |
8.5- 8.99 | D++ | First Class with Distinction |
8.0- 8.49 | D+ | |
7.5-7.99 | D | |
7.0-7.49 | A++ | First Class |
6.5-6.99 | A+ | |
6.0-6.49 | A | |
5.5-5.99 | B+ | Second Class |
5.0-5.49 | B | |
4.5-4.99 | C+ | Third Class |
4.0-4.49 | C |
- A candidate who has passed all the examination in Part-III subjects in the first appearance within the prescribed duration of the UG programmes and secured a CGPA of 9 to 10 and equivalent grade “O” in part III comprising Core, Electives and Allied subjects shall be placed in the category of “First Class – Outstanding”.
- A candidate who has passed all the examination in Part-III subjects in the first appearance within the prescribed duration of the UG programmes and secured a CGPA of 7.5 to 9 and equivalent grades “D” or “D+” in part III comprising Core, Electives and Allied subjects shall be placed in the category of “First Class with Distinction”.
- A candidate who has passed all the examination in Part-I, Part-II and Part-III subjects of the UG programmes and secured a CGPA of 6 to 7.5 and equivalent grades “A” or “A+” shall be declared to have passed that parts in “First Class”.
- A candidate who has passed all the examination in Part-I, Part-II and Part-III subjects of the UG programmes and secured a CGPA of 5.5 to 6 and equivalent grade “B” shall be declared to have passed that parts in “Second Class”.
- A candidate who has passed all the examination in Part-I, Part-II and Part-III subjects of the UG programmes and secured a CGPA of 4.5 to 5 and equivalent grade “C” shall be declared to have passed that parts in “Third Class”.
- There shall be no classifications of final results, for Part IV and Part V, however, those parts shall be awarded with final grades in the end semester statements of marks and in the consolidated statement of marks.
- Grade in Part V Extension Activities shall not be taken into account for classification.
- has undergone the prescribed course of study for a period of not less than six semesters in an institution approved by/affiliated to the University or has been exempted from in the manner prescribed and has passed the examinations as have been prescribed there for.
- has completed all the components prescribed under Part I to Part V in the CBCS pattern to earn 140 credits.
Eligibility for Admission to the Course
A candidate who has passed the Degree Examination, generally as main subject of study of this University or an examination of any other University accepted by the Syndicate as equivalent thereto shall be eligible for admission to the Master Degree of this University. No student shall be eligible for admission to a Master’s degree programme in any of the faculties unless she has successfully completed a three year undergraduate degree or earned prescribed number of credits for an undergraduate degree through the examinations conducted by a University / autonomous institution or possesses such qualifications recognized by the Thiruvalluvar University as equivalent to an undergraduate degree. Provided that candidates for admission into the specific main subject of study shall also possess such other qualifying conditions as may be prescribed by the University in the Regulations governing respective courses of study.Duration of the Course
The course shall extend over a period of two years comprising of four semesters with two semesters in one academic year. There shall not be less than 90 working days for each semester. Examination shall be conducted at the end of every semester for the respective subjects.
Each semester have 90 working days consists of 5 teaching hours per working day. Thus, each semester has 450 teaching hours and the whole programme has 1800 teaching hours.
Course of Study
The course of study for the PG degree courses of all branches shall consist of the following:
(i) Core subject
Core papers including practicals wherever applicable are offered as prescribed in the scheme of examination, by the Boards of studies of different subjects. There shall be 16 / 18 Core papers including practicals with 78 credits (out of 90 total credits) for all PG Courses.
(ii) Electives courses
Four elective courses with (4x3=) 12 credits (out of 90 total credits) are to be offered one in each semester. Elective subjects are to be selected from the list of electives prescribed by the Board of Studies concerned.
Theory Examinations shall be conducted in the core subjects at the end of every semester. There shall be practical examinations in the core / elective subjects at the end of even semesters.
There will be a project work at the end of Semester IV as prescribed by the respective boards of studies, if applicable.
The following guidelines / clarifications are offered for the Project with Viva-voce:
- The project should be valued for 75 marks by an external examiner; however the Viva-Voce examination should be conducted by both the external examiner appointed by the University and the internal examiner / guide/teacher concerned. The average of marks awarded in the viva-voce by both the external examiner and the internal examiner is to be intimated along with the marks obtained by the candidate in project evaluation, to the controller.
- The Project Report may consist a minimum of 50 p
- The candidate has to submit the Project Report 30 days before the commencement of the IV Semester Examination
- A candidate who fails in the Project/Dissertation or is absent may resubmit the report, on the same topic, with necessary modification / correction / improvements in the subsequent even semester examination for evaluation and shall undergo viva- voce examination.
- a) A candidate shall be permitted to appear for the examinations for any semester (theory as well as practical) if
- She secures not less than 75% of attendance in theory as well as in practicals (separate attendance registers shall be maintained for theory and practicals) in the number of working days during the semester.
- In the case of married woman candidates the minimum attendance requirement shall be not less than 55% of the total instructional days in theory as well as in practicals.
- b) A candidate who has secured less than 75% but 65% and above attendance in any semester separately for theory and practicals, shall be permitted to take the examination on the recommendations of the Head of the Institution to condone the lack of attendance on the payment of prescribed fees to the University, separately for theory and practic
- c) A candidate who has secured less than 65% but 55% and above attendance in any semester in theory as well as in practicals, has to compensate the shortage in attendance in the subsequent semester (in the next year) besides earning the required percentage of attendance in that semester and appear for both semester papers together at the end of the later semester, on the payment of prescribed fees separately for theory and practic However, shortage of attendance in I-semester shall be compensated while studying in III semester, shortage of attendance in II-semester shall be compensated while studying in IV semester, shortage of attendance in III&IV-semesters shall be compensated after rejoining the course in the 3rdyear. Also, separate attendance registers shall be maintained in theory as well as practicals, for compensating the shortage of attendance. During the hours of compensation of attendance, the candidate shall not be given attendance for the regular semester classes.
- d) A candidate who has secured less than 55% of attendance in any semester separately for theory and practicals, shall not be permitted to appear for the regular examinations in that particular semester or in subsequent semest She has to rejoin/ re-do the semester in which the attendance is less than 55%, on the payment of prescribed fees to the University, separately for theory and practicals, after getting prior approval of the University.
- e) A candidate who has secured less than 65% of attendance in the final semester separately for theory and practicals, has to compensate her attendance shortage in a manner as decided by the concerned Head of the department, after getting prior approval of the Universit The candidate shall be permitted to rejoin in the 4thsemester, after completing his/her regular 2 year course.
- Any theory examination is conducted only for 3 hours irrespective of total marks allotted for the examinations.
- b. There shall be theory examinations at the end of each semester, for odd semesters in the month of October / November; for even semesters in April / M However, there shall be practical examinations at the end of even semesters in general, with exceptions in a few courses as prescribed by the Boards of studies, concerned. A candidate who does not pass the examination in any course(s) shall be permitted to appear in such failed course(s) in the subsequent examinations to be held in October/ November or April / May.
- c. All candidates admitted in first year, should get registered for the first semester examination, compulsor If registration is not possible owing to any reason including shortage of attendance beyond condonation limit, belated joining or on medical grounds, the candidates are permitted to rejoin the course in the next year. Project work had been made compulsory by our college in M.A English & M.Com courses due to autonomy.
- d. In case of project work there will be a Viva-Voce Examination: Each candidate shall be required to appear for Viva-Voce Examination.
- For the Project Report, the maximum marks will be 75 per cent for report and for the Viva-Voce it is 25 per cent (If in some programmes, if the project is equivalent to more than one course, the project marks would be in proportion to the number of equivalent courses).
- f. The results of all the examinations will be published through the college Websit
- Extra credit of 1 is given to the UG students undergoing internship training during the 4th
- A Mini Project is introduced with an extra credit of 1 to UG Students during the 6th semester of their course.
- Extra Credit, 1 is offered to UG students for completing mini project during their 6th semester of study.
Once the marks of the CIA and end-semester examinations for each of the course are available, they shall be added. The mark thus obtained shall then be converted to the relevant letter grade, grade point as per the details given below:
Conversion of Marks to Grade Points and Letter Grade (Performance in a Course/Paper)
90-100 | 9.0-10.0 | O | Outstanding |
80-89 | 8.0-8.9 | D+ | Excellent |
75-79 | 7.5-79 | D | Distinction |
70-74 | 7.0-7.4 | A+ | Very Good |
60-69 | 6.0-6.9 | A | Good |
50-59 | 5.0-5.9 | B | Average |
00-49 | 0.0 | U | Re-appear |
Absent | 0.0 | AAA | ABSENT |
Grade point average (for a Semester):
Calculation of grade point average semester-wise and part-wise is as follows:
GRADE POINT AVERAGE [GPA] = ΣiCiGi / ΣiCi Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the courses offered under each part GPA = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sum of the credits of the courses under each part in a semester Calculation of Grade Point Average (CGPA) (for the entire programme):A candidate who has passed all the examinations prescribed is eligible for the following partwise computed final grades based on the range of CGPA.
Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the entire programme under each part
CGPA = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sum of the credits of the courses of the entire programme under each part
9.5 - 10.0 | O+ |
9.0-9.49 | O |
8.5- 8.99 | D++ |
8.0- 8.49 | D+ |
7.5-7.99 | D |
7.0-7.49 | A++ |
6.5-6.99 | A+ |
6.0-6.49 | A |
5.5-5.99 | B+ |
5.0-5.49 | B |
Classification of Successful candidates
A candidate who passes all the examinations including practicals securing following CGPA and Grades shall be declared as follows for Part I or Part II:
9.5 - 10.0 | O+ | First Class-Exemplary |
9.0-9.49 | O | |
8.5- 8.99 | D++ | First Class with Distinction |
8.0- 8.49 | D+ | |
7.5-7.99 | D | |
7.0-7.49 | A++ | First Class |
6.5-6.99 | A+ | |
6.0-6.49 | A | |
5.5-5.99 | B+ | Second Class |
5.0-5.49 | B |
- A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicals in the first appearance within the prescribed duration of the PG programme and secured a CGPA of 9 to 10 and equivalent grade “O” in Core and Elective subjects shall be placed in the category of “First Class – Outstanding”.
- A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicals in the first appearance within the prescribed duration of the PG programmes and secured a CGPA of 5 to 9 and equivalent grades “D” or “D+” in Core and Elective shall be placed in the category of “First Class with Distinction”.
- A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicals of the PG programme and secured a CGPA of 6 to 7.5 and equivalent grades “A” or “A+” shall be declared to have passed that parts in “First Class”.
- A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicals of the PG programmes and secured a CGPA of 5.5 to 6 and equivalent grade “B” shall be declared to have passed that parts in “Second Class”.
- has undergone the prescribed course of study for a period of not less than four semesters in an institution approved by/affiliated to the University or has been exempted from in the manner prescribed and has passed the examinations as have been prescribed therefor.
- has completed all the components prescribed under core and elective subjects in the CBCS pattern to earn 90 credits.
Ranking will be based on CGPA. Candidates who passed in all the examinations prescribed for the Programme in the very first appearance only are eligible for ranking.
Grievance Redressal Committee
Grievance Redressed Committee for each course in each department with the Course Teachers as the members and the HOD as the convener. This Committee shall solve all grievances relating to the Internal Assessment marks of the students.
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- April 2016 - Semester Exam Time table
- Also Visit Latest News to see the Time Table of April 2016 Semester Examinations.
- Click Here for UG and PG final year semester examination timetable 2019 - 2020