D.K.M College For Women


Vellore - 1

Affiliated To Thiruvalluvar University

Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade with a CGPA of 3.22 out of 4 in the 4th Cycle

Admission Help Line Numbers

Aided - 0416-2903691 / 7010308218
Unaided - 94433 41270 / 9489537911





D.K.M College was founded in June 1972 through the munificence of Shri .N.Krishaswami Mudaliar, and Smt. Danabagiam Ammal who took keen interest to further the cause of Women`s Education, one of the greatest and vital needs of the developing country like India.

Our College library was established along with the inception in the Year 1972 with 922 books in a small room. Now the Central Library comprises of 34350 books our College and it also comprises of 31 Journals, 11 free e-journals, 13 Magazines, 544 Theses, 79 Projects, 211 Book Bank, 2709 Back Volumes and other non-materials like 351 DVD&CD.  The Central Library occupies a place of Pride in the college and marching towards its mission of facilitating the students, faculty Members, and Research scholars.

In the Year 2008, we have automated library with software named SOUL 2.0 of UGC-INFLIBNET which is the integrated library management software by the UGC and OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)  is also available which allows online Reservation, circulation, Accounts of the user and to find and to  locate a particular Document in library Resources. The library services include Internet browsing Facilities, Circulation, Current awareness, Reference Services and User Education are available in the central library.

                    The total cost incurred during 2007-2017 for UGC Fund-Rs.14, 79,642 Autonomous Fund-Rs.7, 45, 722 and Special Fee-Rs.1, 30,974 and Management Fund-Rs.1, 18,553.                             
                       Students are our biggest strength, Opportunities to expand book stack in library and Challenges to maximum utilization of central library by Staff and Students with ICT Facilities.In the digital library, we have 25 systems with the multimedia facility with wi-fi connectivity.

Learning is fundamental to the progress of humanity—for economic prosperity, social well-being, personal fulfillment, and to help ensure a sustainable planet.

Today the library and archive, growing through Grant purchase and provide a remarkable living Resource for all members of the college and for visiting researchers, while college tours and changing exhibitions allow the college to share its treasures with a wider public.

IAS/IPS and Other Government Exams Coaching Centre

Inauguration of Awareness Programme on Career & Placement and Free Coaching classes for UPSC/TNPSC/IAS/IPS Competitive Exams and free book bank Organized on 07.07.2017 and Inaugurated by Mr. D.Sengottaiyan, MVSC, District revenue Officer Vellore was the Chief Guest.  He inaugurated the free coaching center for the present and state level UPSC/TNPSC/IAS/IPS Competitive exams. Also the Free book ban facility for the benefit the Alumnae students and presents was inaugurated by him.  In his Inaugural address, he highlighted the need and role of women in the competitive exams and their role in the Nations’ development. He gave tips to face the competitive exams easily without any fear. He shared his own experiences while taking up the TNPSC Exams which was admired by the students.

The other Chief guest was Mr.Senthilkumar MA, M.SC, IMBA, from Employment office Vellore, spoke on “How to the Face Competitive Exams” and other Chief Guest were Mr. Munusamy  B.E the Co-ordinator of the  Vellore District Employment office was the coordinator of the Awareness program me.  Mr.Selvam and Mr.Karthik from Employment office also participated in the conference. Nearly 500 students’ participate and got benefited in the conference.  An Essay competition on the various skills required for competing in the job market was organized.

We have 2315 books In Our IAS/IPS and other government exams coaching center Library.

Mr.N.A.MURAHARI, MSc, MBA, CAIIB, PGDADR is Coordinator for IAS/IPS and other government exams coaching center.

Mrs.R.Nagalakshmi   is Library assistant


This book bank scheme is run for the Economically Backward/ Other Backward Class Students.  Books regarding syllabus are issued to students for the whole year and taken back after the final examination is over.  The funds for this scheme are raised from philanthropic donors whose list is furnished hereunder.


                                              LIST OF DONORS
S.no Name of the donor Year Total books
1 Principal Dr.P.N. Sudha 2017-2018 28
2 Mrs.Jayanthi(31-08-2017) 2017-2018 113
3 Mr.Koushik 2017-2018 41
4 Mr.Captain Murugesan 2017-2018 51
5  Mr.Ethirajan 2017-2018 59
6 Mrs.Archana 2017-2018 49
7 Mr.Kamesh 2017-2018 93
8 Mr.K. Sokkalingam 2017-2018 234
9 Mr.K. Doraiswamy, 2017-2018 19
10 Mr.K.Rajendran 2017-2018 22
11 Mrs.Hemalatha, 2017-2018 14
12 Tata McGraw Hill Publication 2017-2018 24
Total                                                                         747Books


Library Repositories

Books :     34,350


Total no. of Titles :     10009


Book Bank :      259


Competitive Exam Books :       2315
Periodicals :       31 
Back volumes :      2709


Thesis and Dissertation :       544
CDs :        351    


N-list Programme    
E-Journals E-Books 6000 31,35,000

Alert Service
The new arrivals of books and journals are provided for the benefit of the users.

Library Rules

[custom_list icon=”arrow-right”]

  • On all working days, the library will be kept open from 8.45 a.m. to 5.45 p.m.
  • Personal books and files should be left on the rack at the entrance of the library. Plain sheets may be taken instead.
  • Students/Staff should scan their ID card in the E-Gate Register scanner while entering the library.
  • The library users should possess their ID card while they are inside the library.
  • Silence should be strictly observed in the Library.
  • Discussions are not allowed inside the library.
  • Books will be issued only on production of the Bar-coded ID card.
  • Membership Cards are not transferable.
  • Marking and underlining with pencil or pen and folding the paper edges for bookmarks are absolutely forbidden. Readers shall be held responsible for any damage done to the book belonging to the Library and shall be required to replace such book or pay the value thereof.
  • The arrangement of chairs and other furniture in the reading area should not be disturbed.
  • The books, current journals, back volumes have taken out the racks shall not be replaced. They should be left only on the tables.
  • UG students can borrow three books and PG students can borrow five books at a time.
  • Books will be issued normally for a period of seven days. Depending on the demand for the books at a particular time. If a book is not returned on the due day, a fine of Rs.3 per day will be collected.
  • The following conditions are to be followed for the renewal of books.
        [icon icon=”angle-double-right”] The book has to be produced in the Library for renewal.
        [icon icon=”angle-double-right”] More than one renewal will not be allowed.
  • Before leaving the counter, the member must satisfy herself as to whether or not the book lent to her is in sound condition. If not she must report immediately to the librarian. Otherwise, she is liable to be held responsible for the replacement of the book.
  • Absence from the College will not be allowed as an excuse for the delay in the return of books.
  • The following books are for reference only within the library
        [icon icon=”angle-double-right”] Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Handbooks etc
        [icon icon=”angle-double-right”] Single copy text books and some reference books
        [icon icon=”angle-double-right”] Very expensive books of prices over Rs.1000/- and
        [icon icon=”angle-double-right”] Journals, Magazines, Project Reports, Back Volumes and Question Banks.
  • Students are expected to use the books with care. If a book is lost or damaged borrower should replace the book or pay penalty 2 times the cost of the book.
  • Users are allowed to take the photocopies of the required articles.
  • Photocopying of full – book is not permitted
  • While accessing the E-resources of the library, proper entries are to be made in the records of the library. Downloading of the information is also permitted.
  • Accessing unwanted and unnecessary information on the internet is strictly prohibited.
  • New books received will be on display for a week.
  • Any book issued may be taken back by the librarian at any time.
  • Violation of the rules would lead to the expulsion of the student from the college.
  • The above rules are introduced to regularize the use of the library resources and will be reviewed periodically to meet the changing needs.
  • Any changes in the rules or information to members will be notified on the Library Notice Board as and when required.




[tr][td]Shanthi[/td] [td]



Ph.D. (Day College)

[/td] [td]

Email : shanthij@dkmcollege.org


A-block 133

E-Block 149 [/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Nirmala[/td] [td]


MA, B.Ed. M.LISC, M.Phil, DCA

(Evening College)[/td] [td]

Email id: nirmalar@dkmcollege.org


A-block 133

E-Block 149[/td][/tr]
