Category Archives: News & Events

Exclusive Virtual Power Seminar for the students on “JOB SKILLS TO SUCCEED IN THE POST PANDEMIC WORLD” organized by Department of Mathematics in association with ICT Academy, Chennai

D.K.M College for Women (Autonomous), Vellore-632001

Department of Mathematics
organized an Exclusive Virtual Power Seminar for the students on
in association with
 ICT Academy, Chennai

Date : July 16, 2020(Thursday)

Time : 12 Noon to 1 p.m.                                                            

The Department of Mathematics, D.K.M. College for Women (Autonomous), Vellore in association with ICT Academy, Chennai conducted an Exclusive Virtual Power Seminar on “Job Skills to Succeed in the Post Pandemic World” on 16.07.2020 from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Mrs. G. Vinu Priya, Assistant Professor and Head, D.K.M College for Women(Autonomous), Vellore welcomed the resource person and the august gathering. She introduced the resource person to the participants. It was the great opportunity for the students to learn interesting insights from the prominent resource person Ms. Jenefa Mercy, Assistant Manager, Allsec Technologies Limited, Chennai.  She was very knowledgeable and offered valuable information. She gave tips for the students to improve their communication skills and job skills.

The resource person  insisted on three major employability skills such as continuous learning, improve their communicative skills and to have courage to overcome the obstacles. She carried the session with lot of energy and a lot of enthusiasm, very practical and rational. She motivated the students with her personal achievements and with beautiful examples in getting successful career. It was a wonderful experience for the students to learn new ideas and improve their job thriving skills. She answered for all the questions raised by the students. Students felt happy and confident after attending this session. Very informative seminar for young students to face their career opportunities.

Organizer Mr.V.Murugavel, ICT Academy rendered very wonderful unflinching technical support. He was the key factor to conduct this seminar very smooth and successful.

Ms. Jenefa Mercy motivated the young minds by her inspiring and aspiring words.Participants were permitted to share the views in the forum.
Dr. N. Nithyapriya, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, D.K.M College for Women proposed the vote of thanks. This programme is exclusively for students of Mathematics and Computer Science of D.K.M College. Nearly 200 students participated and got benefitted by attending the seminar.

This Seminar helped the students to enrich the knowledge during the lockdown period. E- Certificates were issued to all the participants through mail.

Report on Online E-Quiz on “Hepatitis disease” conducted by Department of Biotechnology



Report on Online E-Quiz on “Hepatitis disease”

The Department of Biotechnology conducted an online E-Quiz programme conducted on 27.07.2020 and 28.07.2020. 164 participants from various colleges registered and took part in the E-Quiz programme successfully. All the participants were endorsed with participation certificate.