D.K.M College For Women


Vellore - 1

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Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade with a CGPA of 3.22 out of 4 in the 4th Cycle

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Faculty Profile

Name   Dr. K. DEVI
Designation Associate Professor & Head
Educational Qualification   MSc., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D., PGDCA., M.A (YHE)
Total Teaching Experience as on 30.06.2019
  • UG      : 32 Years
  • PG       : 4 Years
  • M.Phil : 1 Year
Total Research Experience as on 30.06.2019   17 Years
Research Supervision    
  • Ph.D- 6+ (1 Part time external)
  • Completed:3+(1 Part time external)
  • Ongoing: 3
  • M.Phil – 19
  • Completed:19
  • Ongoing: Nil
Research Projects Number of projects completed and its outlay:       Number of ongoing projects: Outlay of current projects in Rupees: 2
  • (UGC Minor Research Project  2003-4 Rs.43,000/-) Completed
  • (UGC Major Research Project 2011-14  Rs. 4.86 lakhs -) completed
  Nil Nil
No. of paper publications International: 9 National: 25  
No. of paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Symposium International: 9 National:15
No. of papers in conference proceedings 21
No. of Books/Book chapters 9
Membership in Professional and other bodies
  • BOS Chairman, Thiruvalluvar University
  •   BOS Chairman in Zoology UG & PG DKM College
  •  Research Committee Member, DKM College
  • Board of studies member-Zoology Auxillium college 2007-08
  • Question paper setter – University of Madras, Auxilium College,  M.G.Arts College, Vellore Vellalar College for women, Erode, Islamiah College,  Vaniyambadi, St. Joseph College, Cuddallore, Barathi Womens College, Pondicherry, C. Abdul Hakeem College Melvisharam.
  • Chairman for UG Paper valuation in Thiruvalluvar University and also in our college
  • TNPSC- Question Paper setter and Expert Committee Member (Zoology)
  • Attended and represented Thiruvalluvar University for Equivalence meeting of Board of Studies on Zoology (UG) in Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education, Chennai (TANSCHE) on 31.08.2017
  • Executive member in Tamil Nadu Science forum, Vellore District.
  • Acted as NSS Programme Officer 1990-93
No. of Honours and Awards received`
  • Cash Award for Poster presentation in International conference at CMC Vellore, 2007
  • Dr. Radha Krishnan Gold medal award, 2013
  • GRABS, Grabs education charitable trust, Nanganallur, Chennai-114 (2017)
  • Puthiya Paarvai Arakattalai, Thiruvannamalai.
  • Award for Best EDP Nodal Officer.
Academic Responsibilities:  
  • BOS Chairman - Thiruvalluvar University
  •   BOS Chairman – DKM College
  • Research Committee Member, DKM College
  • Admission Committee Member
  •   Examination Committee member
  •  Disciplinary Committee Member
  • Anti Ragging cell coordinator
  • Entrepreneurship Development Cell  Nodal Officer
  • Additional Controller of Examinations 2016-17 DKM College (Autonomous)
  •  Controller of Examinations 2017-18 DKM College (Autonomous)
  •  Magazine committee
  • Student Welfare committee
  • Planning and Evaluation committee
  • Grievance appeal Committee
  • Curriculum Development Cell
  1. Ongoing/Completed faculty research projects- 2
S.No. Name of the staff Title of the project Amount sanctioned (Rs.) Funding Agency Status
1. Dr. K. DEVI UGC-Minor Research Project – Screening and Identification of certain antidiabetic plants in Vellore District (Feb 2003- March 2004) 43,000/- UGC Completed
2. Dr. K. DEVI UGC-Major Research Project – “Protective potential of some Indian Folklore medicinal plants on Acetaminophen and alcohol induced hepatotoxicity in male albino rats (Feb-2011- Jan, 14) 4,86,000/- UGC Completed
  1. Honours and Awards- 5
S.No. Name of the staff Year of Award Type of Honours/Award Name of the Institution inducted the award
1. Dr. K. DEVI 2007 Cash Award (Rs. 2000/-) Poster presentation in International conference at CMC Vellore
2. Dr. K. DEVI 2013 Dr. Radha Krishnan Gold medal award Global Economic Progress & Research Association (GEPRA) Chennai.
3. Dr. K. DEVI 2017 Education and Research GRABS, Grabs education charitable trust, Nanganallur, Chennai-114 (2017)  
4. Dr. K. DEVI 2018  Social Service Puthiya Paarvai Arakattalai, Thiruvannamalai
5. Dr. K. DEVI 2019 Best EDP Nodal Officer   Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED), Tamil Nadu – Madurai.
  1. List of the M.Phil Scholars- 19 Completed (Part time - before 2007)
S.No. Name of the student Batch Thesis Topic Status Completed /Ongoing
  19 Students Before 2007 Completed
  1. List of the Ph.D Scholars- 6 + (1 Part time – external)
S.No. Name of the student Batch Thesis Topic Status Completed /Ongoing
1. A. Rajalakshmi 2015          (Part time – external) Completed
2.  L. Jagapriya 2016 – 2018 (Full Time) Efficacy of Some Hepatoprotective Herbs against (s)- Ibuprofen amide toxicity Completed
3. N. Shaita Jabeen 2015-2018 (Full Time) Screening & Identification of Medicinal herbs against Hepatorenal toxicity – An Invitro Approach Completed
4. S. Nathiya 2016-2018 (Full Time) Screening & Identification of Some Antifertility activity of Folklore medicinal plants Thesis submitted
5. R. Ezhilarasi 2015-2019 (Part Time) Screening & Identification of some Indian Folklore medicinal plants an Hepatotoxicity Ongoing
6. Joyce Immaculate Theresa 2015-2019 (Part Time) Isolation and Characterization of  Some active compounds on Cardioprotective Herbs Ongoing
7. M. Sridevi 2017-2019 (Full Time) Bioactive potential of certain medicinal plants Ongoing
  1. No. of papers published in referred journals
S.No. Authors Name Title of the paper Name of the Journal and its publisher Details of the Journal (such as Volume, Issue no., Year, Page no., ISSN/ISBN No. )
a.        Dr. K.Devi Evaluation of bioactive components of Nigella sativa seeds Recent Progress in Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy 2O18
2.        Dr. K.Devi Phytochemicals of Apiaceae Family  As Lead Compounds In Disease Prevention And Cure Phytochemicals as Lead Compounds for New Drug Discovery 2019
3.        Dr. K.Devi Antimicrobial activity of ethanol extract of Andrograpis paniculata Recent Progress in Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy 2018
4.        Dr. K.Devi Drug development for cancer and diabetes: A path to 2030 Challenging compounds of some medicinal plants against cancer 2018
5.        Dr. K.Devi Phytochemicals of Apiaceae family as lead compounds in disease prevention and cure Phytochemical as lead compounds for new drug discovery, Elsevier 2019
6.        Dr. K.Devi Phytochemical Analysis of Nigella sativa L. Seeds Aqueous Extract by GC-MS and FTIR Phytochemistry, Apple  Academic  Press. 2018
7.        Dr. K. Devi Studies on chemical composition and antifungal activities from fish scales Hydrolyzate of Mugil cephalus. L Life Science Archives 2017
8. Dr. K. Devi Phytosynthesis of silver nanoparticles from Azima tetracantha plant extract and their potential mosquito larvicidal property of Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus International Journal of Research in Zoology 2016
9.        Dr. K. Devi Investigation of In vitro free radical scavenging activity of valproic acid in hypertensive rats Life Science Archives 2016
10.    Dr. K. Devi Protective potential of ethanol extract of Annona squamosal  against   cisplatin induced hepatorenal toxicity in albino rats Life Science Archives 322-328, 2015
11.     Dr. K. Devi Pharmacognosy of Achyranthes aspera Linn: A Review Advanced Research Journal of Life Sciences 1-5, 2015
12.    Dr. K. Devi Antihyperglycemic and Antihyperlipidemic Effect of Aqueous fruit extract of Momordica charantia against Alloxan induced Diabetic Rats Int. J. Pharmaceutical  Research scholars 1-4, 2013
13.    Dr. K. Devi Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic Effect of Aegle marmelos leaf extract in Alloxan induced Diabetic male albino Rats. Int. J. Pharmaceutical  Research scholars 1-4, 2013
14.    Dr. K. Devi Biochemical changes during germination of Vigna unguiculata effectof bio fertilizer 06-em& ma. Int.J. Insti. Pharmacy and life Sci 2012
15.    Dr. K. Devi Hepatoproctiv epotential of Andrographic paniculata aqueous leaf ectract on ethanol induced liver toxixicy in albino rats. J.Applied. Pharmaceutical Sci 204-208, 2011
16.    Dr. K. Devi Hepatoprotective and antioxident effects of Monochoria vaginalis against acetaminophen induced epatotoxicity in rats Oriental.Pharm. Expt.  Me. 29-36, 2010
17.    Dr. K. Devi Hypolipidemic effect of Aegle marmelos leaf extract in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic male albino rats  Int. J. Pharm Tech Res. 259-265, 2010
18.    Dr. K. Devi Lipid lowering effect of aqueous extract of flower of Cassia auriculata on streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic male albino rats. J. Pharmacy Res.   683-686,2010
19.    Dr. K. Devi Hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of Coccinia grandis aqueous leaf extract on ethanol induced liver toxicity in albino rats  J. Pharmacy Res. 533-536, 2010
20.    Dr. K. Devi Evaluation of antibacterial activities of Andrographis paniculata leaf extract against selective gram positiveand gram negative species by in vitro methods. J. Pharmacy Res.   1513-1515, 2010
21.    Dr. K. Devi Antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effect of ethyl acetate flower extract of Cassia auriculata on alloxan induced diabetis in male albino rat J. Pharmacy Res.   1300-1303, 2010
22.    Dr. K. Devi Hepatoproctive and antioxidant properties of aqueous rhizome extracts of Picrorhiza kurroa on ccl4 induced liver toxicity in albino rats. J. Pharmacy Res.   1280-1282, 2010
23.    Dr. K. Devi Preventive effect of aqueous leaf extract of Alternanthera sesssils L. on ccl4 induced hepatic damage in albino mice. Int.J. Pharmagenesis.   275-278, 2010
24.    Dr. K. Devi Antihyperglycemic and Anti-hyperlipidemic effect of combined plant extract of Cassia auriculata and Aegle marmeoles in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic albino rat. Int J.PharmTech Res. 1010-1016, 2009
25.    Dr. K. Devi Therapeutic efficacy of Chloroxylon swietenia (Apiaceae) on acetaminophen induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress in male albino rats. Online.J.Biotech. Res 2009
26.    Dr. K. Devi Therapeutic efficacy of antihepatotoxic and antioxident activities of Acorus calamus on acetaminophen induced toxicity in rats. Int. J. Integrative. Biol. 2009
27.    Dr. K. Devi Protective effect of aqueous leaf extract of Alternanthera sesssils L. on ccl4 induced hepatic damage in albino mice. Pharmacologyonline,   629-696, 2009
28.    Dr. K. Devi Phytoconstituents evaluation and anti-hyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of the Mahonia leschenaultia takeda in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Toxicol.Environ. Chem. 26-28, 2009
29.    Dr. K. Devi Phytoconstituents evaluation and antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic effects of the Mahonia leschenaultia takeda in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Toxicol. Environ.. Chem. 2009
30.    Dr. K. Devi Spermicidal activity of Azadirachta indica (Neem) aqueous leaf extract on male albino mice Int. J.Pharm Tech Res 588-591, 2009
31.    Dr. K. Devi Hypoglycemic effect of Melia azedarach and Eugenia jambolana in streptozotocin  (STZ) induced diabetic male albino rats. J. comp. Ani.Phy 75-79, 2008
32.    Dr. K. Devi Effect of the ethanolic extract of Indigofera barberi. in acute Acetaminophen- induced Nephrotoxic rats Adv. Biotech. 28-31, 2008
33.    Dr. K. Devi Isolation and detection of indicator MS2 coliophage in different environment and sea food by OEG precipitation and GAC-UAPB., RT-PCR method. Adv. Biotec. 26-32, 2008
34.    Dr. K. Devi LDH profile of Parastromateus niger (Bloch) and Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen) Anjac. J. Sci. 35-38, 2004
  1. Participation in Conference/Seminar/Symposium
S.No. Authors Name Date of Conference/Seminar/ Symposium Title of the conferencce Venue and other details of Conference/Seminar/Symposium
1.        Dr. K. Devi 20th – 22nd July 2017 International symposium on “theranostics in health and disease” National University of Singapore, Singapore. VIT University, India
2.        Dr. K. Devi 9th Dec 2017 FDP- One Day Workshop on Research and Development in Colleges D. K. M. College For Women (Autonomous) Vellore
3.        Dr. K. Devi 8th  Jan 2018 One day National level lecture workshops  Recent Scenario of Aquatic Biodiversity and Bioresource D.K.M College for Women, Vellore
4.        Dr. K. Devi 5th Jan 2018 IV-National Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemical and Biological Sciences D. K. M. College For Women (Autonomous) Vellore.  
5.        15th - 16th February 2018 International Conference on “Current Trends & Emerging Challenges in Biological Sciences (CTECBS) – 2018” DKM College for Women(Autonomous), Vellore 632 001.
6.        Dr. K. Devi 29th – 31th August 2018 International Conference on “Recent Advances in Biomedical Technology” Thiruvalluvar University, Serkkadu, Vellore – 632 115.
  1. No. of papers published in Conference proceedings
S.No. Authors Name Title of the paper Name of the proceedings and its publisher Name of the institution, Date, Venue and other details of the Conference (such as Volume, Issue no., Year, Page no., ISSN/ISBN No. )
1. Dr. K. Devi  S.Nathiya Anti fertility activity of Indianfolklore medicinal plant – Catharanthus roseus International conference on “Current scenario of physiology and behavoiur” (CSPB – 2019) Periyar university , salem, Tamilnadu.
8.Book/Book chapters published
S.No. Authors Name Title of the paper Name of the Book and its publisher Details of the Book/Chapters(such as Year, Page no., ISSN/ISBN No. etc., )
1.          Dr.K. Devi Cardio protective and Antioxidant potential of Indian Medicinal Plants   2015
2.        Dr. K. Devi Indian folklore medicinal plants against Hypoglycaemic effect in Albino rats   2016
3.        Dr. K. Devi Medicinal plants (Treatment for Diabetes mellitus)   2017
4.        Dr. K. Devi Traditional foods and nature care in Dravidian languages   2017
5.        Dr. K. Devi Dr. K.Suganthi Studies on chemical composition and Antifngal activities from fish scales hydrolyzates of Mugil cephalus   2017
6.        Dr. K. Devi N. Shaista Jabeen Phytochemical analysis of Nigella sativa L. seed Aqueous extract by GC-MS and FTIR Recent progress in Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy Vol -3 ISBN: 9781771887625 March 2019
7. Dr. K. Devi N. Shaista Jabeen Antimicrobial activity ethanol extract of Andrographis paniculata Recent progress in Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy Vol -3 ISBN: 9781771887625 March 2019
8.        Dr. K. Devi N. Shaista Jabeen Challenging compounds of medicinal plants against cancer Drug development involving cancer and diabetes , Press and Taylor Francis May 2019
9.        Dr. K. Devi N. Shaista Jabeen Phytochemicals of Apiaceae family as lead compounds in disease prevention and cure Phytochemicals as lead compounds for new drug discovery, Elsevier 9780128178904
10. Dr. K. Devi N. Shaista Jabeen Phytochemical and Antibiogram and analysis of methanol and n- butanol seed extracts of Syzygium cumimL. Recent progress in Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy 9789352683116