The Fine arts committee of D.K.M College has conducted various competitions to the students to exhibit their talents like Pencil sketch, Mehandhi, Hair Do, Jewellery making, Saree Designing, Flower Bouquet Making, Cooking, Vegetable and Fruit Carving, Handwork, Song- Solo and Group, Kolam, Rangoli and Folk Dance- Solo and Group dance from 27th August to 6th September 2018. Around 200 students participated in various competetions. The best performance of each programme was judged by a group of our faculty members and selected for prize distribution.

In view of the fine arts day celebration an exhibition by Jayavanth Silks and Sarees was organized on 4th October 2018 for the benefit of the students and the teachers in concessional rate.

The fine arts day celebration was conducted on 26.12.2018 at 11.00 AM and the chief guest was Mr. P. Balasubramanian, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Head, Department of Tamil, Sacred Heart College, Thirupattur. The fine arts day celebration began with a prayer song. Dr. S. Sasikala, Assistant Professor in Tamil, Fine Arts Committee Secretary welcomed the audience. Among the various competitions already conducted the best performance like Solo and group Song, solo Dance and Group dance were also presented on the stage.  The Chief Guest Mr. P. Balasubramanian gave special address to the students and distributed the prizes to the winners of various competitions. An exhibition of the prize winners articles  took place on the same day. The Overall Championship trophy was won by the students of Chemistry department. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. A. Vinodhini, Assistant Professor in Zoology and the programme came to an end with National Anthem.

Fine Arts Committee members:

1. Dr. S. Sasikala, Dept. of Tamil                                           
2. Dr.A.Vinodhini, Dept. of Zoology
3. Mrs. R.Sarathy, Dept of English

Student Secretary: Ms. Ritu, II B. Sc.Mathematics

Chief guest Mr. P. Balasubramanian, addressed the gathering

        Chief guest Mr. P. Balasubramanian visited the exhibition

                Students creative work in the exhibition

Department of Chemistry received the overall championship trophy