Educational Qualification | M.Sc.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,Ph.D |
Total Teaching Experience as on 30.06.2019 | UG :5 Years PG :4 Years M.Phil :Nil |
Total Research Experience as on 30.06.2019 | 3 years. |
Research Supervision | Ph.D Completed:Nil Ongoing:Nil M.Phil Completed:Nil Ongoing:Nil |
Google site link Mail Id Mobile | 7639964348 |
Research Projects Number of projects completed and its outlay: Number of ongoing projects: Outlay of current projects in Rupees: | Nil |
No. of paper publications International: National: | 12 08 04 |
No. of paper presented in Conference/Seminar/Symposium International: National: | 15 |
No. of papers in conference proceedings | 03 |
No. of Books/Book chapters | Nil |
Membership in Professional and other bodies | Membership In Academia For Advanced Research Mathematics Society (AARM), Thirupattur. |
No. of Honours and Awards received` | 1 |
Academic Responsibilities: such as (NSS, YRC, RRC, ROTARACT, Enviro club, Fine Arts, Consumer club, Union incharge, Grievence Cell, Anti Ragging Cell, Curriculum Cell, Web updation, IQAC, Finance committee, Purchase committee, Planning and Evaluation committee, Placement cell, Alumni Committee, Examination and its committee, Research committee, Online Course committee, Library, Student Welfare committee, Extra curricular Activities, Academic Audit Committee, Prevention of sexual harassment committee, Staff Development committee, News letter, Magazine committee, Institution innovation Cell, FIST committee, Women Development cell, Health centre development committee) | |
Number of Webinars attended | 13 |
Number of E-Quiz attended | 06 |