Women Development Cell



International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

This year’s theme #Each for Equal is meant to be a shared goal throughout 2020. The International Women’s Day 2020 campaign theme draws on the notion of “collective individualism,” which refers to the idea that every individual is a part of a whole, and that an individual’s actions, behaviours and mindsets can all have an impact on larger society. “We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations, and celebrate women’s achievements,” states the organization’s site. “Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world.

As an institution for women D.K.M.College for Women, Vellore stands on the shoulders of those who have fought and made sacrifices in the generations past and to carry the legacy of the movement forward Women Development Cell organised the International Women’s Day on 09-03-2020 at 10.30 A.M in the Brahmaputra Hall of the College premises. The celebration spread joy and cheers as the students greeted all the woman folks of the college by exchanging flowers and chocolates.

The event began with a prayer song. Dr.M.Manimozhi, Assistant Professor in English welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest of the day. Mrs.R.Sarathy, Assistant Professor in English introduced the theme of the day and elaborated about the importance of Women’s Day celebrations. Dr.P.N.Sudha, the Principal, D.K.M.College for Women gave the presidential address. Dr.R.Banumathy, Associate Professor in Economics, Coordinator of Women Development Cell felicitated the chief guest of the day Dr.B.Sumitha Lakshmi, Consultant Obsterician of Gynaecologist, Sakthi Balaji Clinic and Nursing Home, Vellore with a small token of love.

Dr.B.Sumitha Lakshmi addressed the students on the topic Health Issues of Young Women and discussed the various doubts the students raised during the session. Dr.B.Sumitha Lakshmi spoke on the various health issues of today’s youngsters like PCOD, Depression, Thyroid, Breast cancer, vaginal problems, menstrual issues and hormonal imbalance. She stressed on the importance of HPV vaccine which prevents cervical cancer in women.

The first session came to an end with the vote of thanks given by Dr.Sasikala, Assistant professor in Tamil.

The students were given a lunch break for 1 hour and the second session began at 2.00 P.M. Mrs.Rama, Assistant Professor in Management Studies welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guest Mrs. Meena Manoharan, Abirami Garments, Naidu Hall Showroom, Vellore. The second session was on the importance of lingerie hygiene. She gave informations on the importance of choosing the right inner wears for a healthy life style. She also reiterated the fact on the monthly hygiene routine one has to follow reguraly. Students had an interaction session with both the chief guests. The celebration continued with the cultural programmes by the DKM college students and concluded with the National Anthem.