D.K.M College For Women


Vellore - 1

Affiliated To Thiruvalluvar University

Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade with a CGPA of 3.22 out of 4 in the 4th Cycle

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Faculty Profile View

Name :  Dr.N.Nithyapriya
Designation :  Assistant Professor

S.No Name Batch FT/PT Project Title
1 T.Ashwini 2019-2020 FT Accurate Split, Accurate Non-Split, Inverse Split and Inverse Non Split Domination Numbers of Some Special Graphs
S.No Name Of The Scholar Fulltime/Part Time Reg.No Completed/Ongoing Date Of Admission Topic Of Research
1 Aruna. R Part Time Ph. D/2022/6263/MAT ongoing 27.07.2022 Applications of Stochastic Processes in Biological Models
  • Stochastic Analysis of Inventory System with Sales Time Depending On Production Time. International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 24 No. 4 2011, 573-582
  • Cumulative Demand Inventory System with One by One Parallel Supply Times Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 7, 2012, no. 3, 125 – 135
  • Probabilistic analysis of storage systems with random sales time depending on production. 943, IJCMS, Vol. 7, no. 17-20, 2012 ISSN 1312-7586.
  • Stochastic Analysis of Inventory System With Inter Production And Sales Times In Accordance With Geometric Processes.International Journal of Mathematical Archive. 3(10)2012,3848-3852.
  • Probabilistic Analysis of Storage Systems with Geometric Production Times and Sales Time Depending on Number of Productions. International Journal of Mathematical Archive.4(1),2013,69-73
  • Blood circulatory system with recovery period depending on deposit of low-density lipoproteins International Journal of Mathematical Archive-8(7), 2017, 16-18, ISSN 2229 – 5046
  • Analysis of Imperfect Fault Coverage Reliability of a System,2018 JETIR August 2018, Volume 5, Issue 8 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162)
  • A Study on success Testing of Diabetic Patients Using System Reliability Approach Presented in NCAMA-Paper ID NCAMA19020
  • Deposit of Low Density Lipoproteins inside the Arteries of Two Organs in the Blood Circulatory Systems With Recovery Period of Arteries Under Simultaneous Treatment. Journal of Applied Science and Computations. Feb 2019. ISSN1076-5131 page 1365-1372
  • A Comparative Study on System Reliability of Mixed Configuration Models IJRAR May 2019 Volume6, Issue2., E-ISSN2349-5138 page15-21
  • Reliability Analysis of Crop Cultivation. IJRAR May 2019 Volume6, Issue2., E-ISSN2349-5138 page187-190
  • Applications of Kamal Transform in Two Tank Mixing Problems.Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 9(2020).No.8,5927-5934, ISSN:1857-8365(Printed) 1857-8438(electronic)