Category Archives: News & Events

Report for Alumni Association Meeting – 28.01.2018

Report for Alumni Association Meeting

D.K.M. College for women organized Alumni Association Meeting on 28. 01.2018 at9 a.m in the D – Conference hall. Dr. J. Sujatha, Head, Department of Tamil invited the gathering with the warm words of welcome. It was followed with the presidential note from Dr. M. Nagaranam, Assistant professor of Chemistry.47

Mr.Maninathan, the secretary of D.K.M College delivered the felicitation address.s41

Prof. R. Sarathy from the Department of English helped the participants to look back the past by reading the annual report of the Alumni association 2016 -2017.


Dr. R. Banumanthy, Head, Department of Economics gratefully remembered the selfless works of the previous year’s office bearers of the Alumni Association and she also proudly introduced the new office bearers.


Mrs. N. Selvarani, senior manager of Indian Bank, Vellore was elected as the president of the Alumni association for the year 2018. Mrs.Kalavathy,Rt.P.G.AssitantGovt.Hr.Sec.School, Vellore as the Vice president, Mrs. D. Kalaivany, branch manager of State Bank of India, as the secretary and Dr. G. Vijaylakshmi, Assistant professor of History as the treasurer of the Association. All the office bearers addressed the gathering and expressed their memories associated with the college. Some of the Alumni from the gathering participated in the meeting by sharing their experiences in the college.

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Dr.A. Vinodhini Assistant professor of Zoology steered the programme as the master of ceremony.


Dr. N. Jabeena, Assistant Professor of Physics proposed the vote of thanks at the end.

44The programmecame to an end with the National Anthem.An arranged photo session once again captured the happiest moment with all the Alumni. Alumni met their respective heads of the department and staff. They registered their names and exchanged their sweet memories with them. About 1500 Alumni participated in the programme and thanked the college administration for arranging such a programme. They also had a nice time to spend with their old friends. Afternoon, a sumptuous lunch was arranged for all the Alumni and a gift as a token of bond was given to them along with the sweet memories.


Republic Day Celebrations on 26.01.2018

69 th Republic Day Celebrations was held at our college in usual fervor on 26.01.2018. Mr.K.Gunasekaran, Record clerk and Mrs.R.Rani was the chief guest of the day.

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ALUMNAE GET-TOGETHER – 28.01.2018 (Sunday)



We are happy to invite you for the




Date                           : 28.01.2018 (SUNDAY)

TIME                          : 10.00 a.m.

VENUE                     : D.K.M COLLEGE FOR WOMEN (Autonomous)

                                    D.K.M College Road, Sainathapuram,

                                     Vellore- 632 001.

REGISTRATION      : 9.00 a.m.


We look forward earnestly for your presence and regard your participation as a precious contribution.




Staff & Students.



Samathuva Pongal Celebration on 11.01.2018

Samathuva Pongal was celebrated in our college on 11.01.2018. All students and staff members enthusiastically joined together  to celebrate the harvest festival to thank Sun God and the farmers .

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Three pots of tasty sweet pongal was cooked and distributed to all.

Irrespective of caste and creed Pongal was celebrated in our college.


Mela & Skill Training Programme conducted by History Department

Department of History

Report on Mela 18.12.2017

                 The Department of History with Tamilnadu State Government Rural Livelihoods Department, Vellore District jointly  conducted three days Mela on 18.12.17, 19.12.17 and 20.12.17 displaying the products made by the Self Help Group from all over Tamil nadu. The Mela was inaugurated by M. Rupan Austin, Manager of District Supply Market Society, Magalir Thittam, Vellore and Dr. Thenmozhi, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Principal Incharge, D.K.M. College, Vellore.

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In continuation with this programme three days Skill Training Programme on Artificial Jewelry making was given for 50 students of the History Department on 3th, 4th and 5th of January 2018 by Mrs. Chithra, Self Help Group Member, Chennai. Valedictory Function was conducted on 8.1.18. Students displayed the jewels and they also conducted the Jewelry Mela and sold the items made by them in the college campus.

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