Category Archives: News & Events

Activities of Rotary Club of DKM College

Rotary Club of DKM College for Women, Vellore

1. Rotaract Installation on 25.07.19

The rotract club installation took place on 25.07.19 at DKM College for Women, Vellore. The Rotaract President Mr. H. Prem Anand gave a welcome address to the gathering. On the dias, occupied the chairs were Thiru. Dr. T. Sivakumar, President of DKM College, Dr. P. N. Sudha, Principal and Dr. Nagaratinam, Head, Department of Chemistry, Principal In-Charge, DKMC. The Chief Guest from rotaract club Mr. Sampath Kumar, and also from CMC, Blood bank Mr. Arul Bagyaraj, are also occupied the dias. The Chief Guest gave the inspiring speech on “Importance of Blood donation”.

It was a proud moment to all and the old Rotaract Members handing over their responsibilities to New President and Secretary. The oath was taken by the Rotaract members, in front of everyone. The programme was come to the end followed by Blood donation camp with CMC, Blood Bank, Vellore. About 30 members from our college donated blood and it is a matter of pride.   

2. Women Two Wheeler Rally to Commemorate World Polio Day on 24.10.19

 The Rotary club of Vellore and District Polio Plus Team jointly celebrate World Polio Day on 24.10.19 at Nethaji Sports Stadium with Women Two Wheeler Rally to create awareness on Road Safety, in the presence of Tmt. N. Kamini, IPS., Deputy Inspectro General of Police, Vellore Range and Thiru. P. Karthikeyan, MLA., Vellore Constituency. The programme was headed by Rtn. Sridar Balaraman, District Governor, Rotary District 3231 and Rtn. R. Dharanivasan, District Chairman-Polio Plus. The Chief Guest, Thiru. K. Shanmuga Sundaram, IAS., District Collector, Vellore gave the inspiring speech on “Road Safety” and “Importance of Polio”.

          Around 50 of our DKM College students had actively participated in this Women Two Wheeler Rally and they were taken in-charge by our college Rotary Club Members Dr. S. Thamarai Selvi, Assistant Professor in Tamil and Dr. G. Sanjula, Assistant Professor in English.

AWARENESS ON BREAST CANCER ON 24.10.2019 at 10.00 am

This month is observed as breast cancer awareness month and our college observed 24.10.2019 as breast cancer awareness day. Awareness on the theme ” Breast Cancer” was created to our female students by Dr.D.Mageswaran, President, Indian Medical Association, Vellore Branch. Nearly 250 students benefitted out of this program. To observe this day, the Resource person, Staff and Students appeared in PINK dress.

Activities of Commerce Department (JUNE 2019 to October 2019)

Special lecture meeting on Recent Trends in Banking

Department of Commerce (Aided) organized a special lecture meeting on 27.09.2019 at 11.00 am at D block Conference Hall on the theme “Recent Trends in Banking”.

          The programme was started with Tamil Thaai Vazhthu. Dr.R. Padmaja, Head of the Department delivered the welcome address. The Chief Guest was introduced to the audience by Dr.A.Sudarvizhi, Assistant Professor of Commerce.

Dr.A.Noor Mohamed, Associate Professor and Head, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Islamiah College (Autonomous), Vaniyambadi acted as Resource person and addressed the gatherings on the theme “ Recent Trends in Banking”. He explained the new trends that are taking place in the banking sector. He also highlighted about the crypto currencies.

The programme was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Dr.T.Bharathi, Assistant Professor of Commerce .

The Master of Ceremony for the programme was done by Dr.G.Bhavani, Department of Commerce.

Faculties from all the disciplines attended the programme. Nearly 200 students of Commerce Departments benefited out of this programme.

The feedback received from the student revealed that the programme was useful to them.

Report of parent –teachers meeting

                     The Parent-Teachers meeting of the Department of Commerce (Aided) was held on 26.09.2019 Thursday between 09.30 A.M. to 12.30 pm at D Block Conference Hall. In response to the invitation given by the department,   117 Parents participated. It was conducted effectively and enthusiastically and in general, we got appreciation from the parents in the following aspects.

  1. Holistic and parental approach of the department towards the welfare of the students.
  2. Innovative and modern teaching and coaching methodology.
  3. Academic excellence –securing best university results every year.
  4. SMS system &  conduct of Tally courses  were well appreciated.
  5. Conduct of Saleasmenship certificate course was appreciated
  6. The proposal to conduct a certificate course in personality development was  highly appreciated.
  7. Conducting free IAS/IPS/UPSC/TNPSC classes was appreciated by the parents.
  8. Encouragement given to the students to participate in various academic programmes conducted within and outside the college so as to mould them to impart various skills, which are demanded in the employable market. 


The Department of Commerce (Aided) arranged for Industrial Visit to SEA BLUE SHIPYARD Ltd.,V.P.ROAD, AZHEEKAL P.O,VYPIN, KOCHI-682 508on 05.10.2019 Saturday. Two staff members Dr.A.Sudarvizhi and Dr.T.Bharathi and two Non teaching staff members Mr. Kalaithendral and Mr.Indrajith  along with 41 students started from  the college campus at 6.30 pm on 03.10.2019.

      On 05.10.2019, (Saturday) from 9.30 am to 12.00 noon, all the students and

Staff members went around the shipyard,  where we saw the construction of few ships. Mr.E.D.Xavier, the Manager, HR showed us renovated ships and gave us a detailed explanation. He also gave a detailed description on  the construction of the boats, the various materials used for construction and how other activities  are carried on in the ship building process.            All the students felt that the Industrial Visit was very useful and also they wondered about the process regarding the construction, renovating techniques. They all thanked the Department for taking initiatives and arranging.

Activities of Department of Mathematics(June 2019 to October 2019)

1. Report on International Seminar on the topic

            The Department of Mathematics organized one day International Seminar on the topic “RECENT ADVANCEMENTS IN MATHEMATICS” on 19.08.19.  The meeting started with prayer at 9.30 a.m. in a traditional way and the kuthuvilakku was lit by the Chief Guests and  the dignitaries. Dr.K. Ameenal Bibi, Head and Associate Professor of Mathematics welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest. Dr. P.N.Sudha, Principal of D.K.M. College, presided over the function and gave the presidential address. Dr. R. Amutha, Head and Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar University College of Arts and Science, Attupakkam, Arakkonam gave the Inaugural address.

The resource person for the first session was Dr. M.P.Kulandaivel, Ph.D., Department of Information Technology, Al Musanna College of Technology,South Al Batinah Region, Muscat . He addressed the students on “Relation between Graph Theory and Communication Networks”. He explained about the graph theoretical ideas which are used by various computer applications like Data mining and image segmentation. He also explained about the effectiveness and applicability of existing methods and algorithms.

The resource person for the second session was Dr. B.V. Senthil Kumar, Section of Mathematics, Nizwa College of Technology, Nizwa, Sultanate of Oman. He elaborately discussed about “Role of Functional Equations in Various Fields”. He inspired and motivated students to construct Functional equations for Different degrees. He also shared his Knowledge on applications of functional equations in the field of economics and multiple uses of some classical equations.

The resource person for the third session was Dr. M. Yamuna, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. She addressed the gathering on “DNA Fragment assembly using Euler Graphs-A New Historical Approach”. She provoke interest to the students on Graph Theory. The students were highly motivated by attending the seminar. The Seminar brought the Teaching fraternity and Researchers in sharing their knowledge and experiences. This provided a platform for the researchers and students to develop into various research areas in Applied Mathematics.

 Mrs. G. Vinu Priya, Assistant Professor of Mathematics proposed the vote of thanks. The Meeting came to an end with National Anthem.

2. Report on Guest Lecture Programme on the topic

The Department of Mathematics organized one day Guest day lecture programme on the topic “APPLICATION OF NANO TECHNOLOGY IN VARIOUS FIELDS” on 26.08.19.  The meeting started with prayer at 11.00 a.m. and Dr. K. Ameenal Bibi, Head and Associate Professor of Mathematics welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest
Dr. S. Kanagesan,    University of Malay, Malaysia with her warm and cordial words. The resource person Dr. S. Kanagesan elaborated on Nanotechnology, Applications of Nanotechnology, Quantum dots, Future of nanotechnology and the need of Nanotechnology in research. In his talk he explained the fundamental concepts in Nanoscience. One nanometer is a billionth of a meter, or 10-9 of a meter. Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve the ability to see and to control individual atoms and molecules. Today’s scientists and engineers are finding a wide variety of ways to deliberately make materials at the nanoscale to take advantage of their enhanced properties such as higher strength, lighter weight, increased control of light spectrum, and greater chemical reactivity than their larger-scale counterparts. Researchers at Oregon State University are developing nanoparticles that deliver three anti-cancer drugs to the lymp nodes. Researchers at IBS are developing a graphene based device to monitor the glucose level in people with diabetes. A study has shown that nanoparticles called  “nanomimics” may be effective in blocking malaria parasites from spreading to new red blood cells. Nanofiber mesh containing zeolites have been shown to absorb toxins in the bloodstream. Researchers believe this nanofiber can be used in compact and inexpensive blood purification systems as an alternative to dialysis. Current advances in semiconductor electronics come through nanoelectronics state-of-the-art conventional transistor is now only about 100 nm in length. There was an interactive session between the speaker and the participants to clarify their doubts. The students were highly motivated by attending the seminar. The UG, PG students and Research scholars of Mathematics of about 250 in number from our college attended the seminar.

3. Report on Mathematics Association Meeting on the topic

           The Department of Mathematics organized Mathematics Association Meeting on 23.09.19. The meeting started with Tamizh Thai Vazthu. Dr. K. Ameenal Bibi, Head and Associate Professor of Mathematics welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest
The Chief Guest Dr. E. Suresh, Mathematics Department, Post  Doctoral Fellow, University of Haifa, Israel.  He elaborated on the topic “Introduction to Chemical Indices”. He discussed about Mathematical modeling of chemical molecule using Graph theory which helps in finding the physical properties of the chemical compounds in relation with the geometric structure of the compounds. He also inspired the students by sharing his knowledge on application of Graph theory in various fields. He answered all the queries raised by the students and staff members.

Students gave very good feedback about this programme. Mrs. G. Vinu Priya, Assistant Professor of Mathematics proposed the vote of thanks. The Meeting came to an end with National Anthem.

Activities of Department of Chemistry (June 2019 to October 2019)


69 students of III-B.Sc., and I, Chemistry along with 7 teaching and 1 non- teaching visited Aavin, Sathuvachari, Vellore on 18th July 2019 at 11.00a.m. This industrial visit provided them, an opportunity to witness the entire milk processing methods. Starting from the stage of fresh milk brought from various villages near by Vellore. Miss.S.Gayathri B.Tech., an employee of Aavin took the students around the plants and explained the various processes such as sterilization, pasteurization and homogenisation. She showed the plants which preserves milk at high temperature as well as -30°C. Students were very much excited in seeing the packing of different types of milk such as tonned milk, double tonned milk and fully creamed milk. She also guided the students by showing the plants which converts milk into various products such as curd, gova, butter, ghee and ice-cream. Students interacted with the employees of Aavin by raising many questions which was highly help full for their day to day life.

The processed milk is packaged and exported for domestic consumer usage. As budding Mechanical Engineers, they keenly observed the storing and packaging sector of the milk factory where unique machinery and mechanisms are used in an automated manner and also the solar energy generating power plants over the parking sheds which are utilized for generating steam, for factory usage. This enabled the students to have a better understanding on the utilization of renewable energy resources in factories and also develop their knowledge over the basic working of factory production machinery.


                  Department of Chemistry had conducted a special guest lecture on 23rd July, 2019.    Dr. D. Adikesavalu, Former Head and Associate Professor of Chemistry, Muthurangam Government Arts College, Vellore was the resource person for the event.  205 students and research scholars belonging to the department of Chemistry from UG, PG and M.Phil were participates in this special lecture.8 staffs of this department also participated. The inauguration of this lecture program started with prayer song. Dr. S. Santhalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person.                        

                  Dr. D. Adikesavalu, delivered the special lecture on the topic “Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds”. He started the lecture by explaining the fundamental concepts of stereochemistry and continued his lecturer in depth. He used many ball and stick models for explaining the same. He also explained the significance of seterochemistry in drug designing and also the future scope of this field.  There was very good interaction between the students and resource person. The students were asked to assembly the models for various molecules. He answered all the questions raised by the students which lasted for 30minutes.

                  Students gave very good feedback about the programme. In the feedback one of the student requested the department to conduct more number of such useful programmes in future. Dr.S.Sashikala gave the vote of thanks and the programme came to an end with the national anthem.    


            Workshop cum hands on training was conducted by the department of Chemistry on 4th October 2019 Dr.M.Nagarathinam, head of the department of Chemistry inaugurated the programme and gave a brief introduction about the workshop. She explained about the causes and the types of food adulteration. She also talked about the health hazards of food adulteration in detail.

            Dr.S.Santha Lakshmi and Dr.S.Sashikala demonstrated various methods of detecting adulterants in food. 52 students of III-B.Sc., Chemistry participated in the program. Hands-on training was given to the students for detecting the adulterants present in various food samples. The observations were recorded and submitted by the students.


                  Intercollegiate III-Year UG paper presentation was held on 10th October 2019 at Kaveri hall D. K. M. College for Women, Vellore. Students from 13 member colleges namely AAA College, Cheyyar, AAA College, Walajah, GTM College, Gudiyatham, MGA College, Vellore, RTG College, Polur, Islamiah College, Vaniyambadi, ASMW College, Arcot, Auxilium College, Vellore, Voorhees College, Vellore, Sacred Hearts College, Thirupathur, CAH College, Melvisharam, Shanmuga Arts and Science College, T.V. Malai and D.K.M. College for Women, Vellore of RUSAC took part in this event. 64 students and 6 staff members participated actively.

                  The programme started with the prayer. Dr. M. Nagarathinam, Head of the department of Chemistry, D.K.M.College welcome the gathering. Students presented papers in various topics pertaining to the curriculum. It was judged by two staff members namely                         R. Subasri, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Shanmuga Arts and Science College, T.V. Malai and K. Sharmila, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, GTM College, Gudiyatham. The results will based on the presentation, slides and questionary session. Each student presented a paper for 8 mins followed by 2 mins for questions. The prize winners are given below.

Name College Topic Prize
T. Sindhu D.K.M.College for women, Vellore Conformational Analysis I
G. Prem Kumar MGA College, Vellore Nuclear Reactor II
P. Valarmathi GTM Collge, Gudiyatham Aldol Condenssation III

The certificates were distributed to the participants and the prizes to the winners by V. Vijayakumar, Secretary, RUSAC and Dr. M. Nagarathinam, Head of the department of Chemistry, D.K.M.College, Vellore. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. T. Gomathi, Executive member of RUSAC, D.K.M.College, Vellore. The programme came to an end with national anthem.

The participants were taken to the DST FIST lab of D.K.M.College, Vellore. They were shown the various instruments such as FTIR, Uv vis Spectrophotometer, AAS, Auto analyser and Lyophiliser present in the lab. Students were delighted to see the instruments and interacted with the staff members.

Celebration of Saraswati Pooja on 4.10.19

Our College celebrates Saraswati pooja on 4.10.19 at 11.30 am. Our College secretary, Principal, Senior Faculty members, Teaching and Non-Teaching staff members were present to perform Pooja. At the end of the program our college Secretary distributed prasadam to all the members of the DKM Family.